Previous Meeting - 2015
Thursday 26th March - Morning Session
- From molecules to man: experience of the Portuguese national research & production cyclotron centre [1] - Francisco Alves (ICNAS-University of Coimbra, Portugal)
- The production of TEP radiopharmaceuticals in Morocco: organization and challenges - Brahim Zoubir (Cyclopharma, Morroco)
- CYROI: How to justify the installation of a cyclotron in island context - Christian Meriou (CYROI: CYclotron de La Réunion et Océan Indien, France)
- Cyclotrons in Tunisia: needs, projects and challenges - Leila Ounalli Mejri (CNSTN, Tunisia)
- The TR19 cyclotron in IFIN-HH Bucharest - recent developments and on-going research activities - L.S. Craciun (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
Thursday 26th November - Afternoon Session
- Experimental results on excitation functions for 45Ti direct production on low energy - medical - cyclotrons - Pedro Costa (Nuclear Medicine Department, High Institute for Allied Health Technologies of Porto - Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal)
- Direct production of 99mTc using 18, 16 and 15 MeV: some recent practical results - Luis Metello (Nuclear Medicine Department, High Institute for Allied Health Technologies of Porto - Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal)
- A novel approach for cancer diagnosis: Radionuclide labeled and targeted quantum dots - Perihan Ünak (Ege University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey)
- Monte Carlo modeling provides accurate data for the optimization of site planning of PET cyclotron facilities - Mario Marengo (Department of Medical Physics, University Hospital and the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy)
- Plant Origin Radiolabeled Compounds and Their Biological Affinities - F. Zumrut Biber Muftuler (Ege University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Izmir-Turkey)
- Potentiality of Chitosan derivatives as target delivery of Tc-99m to Liver [1] - Hamed Farag (National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt)
Friday 27th March - Morning Session
- The Ispra MC40 Cyclotron and its use for radiolabelling of nanoparticles - Giulio Cotogno (ISPRA, Italy)
- Use of the Cyclone 18/9 for radiolabeling of nanoparticles - Karsten Franke (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Leipzig, Germany)
- Challenges of the regulatory body in implementing the legislations for the radiopharmaceuticals: efforts of IAEA - Emilija Janevik (Department of Pharmacy, Goce Delcev University, Macedonia, IAEA expert)
- Overview of Radiopharmacy Regulation Requirements - Makrem Ben Reguiga (Department of radiopharmacy, Beaujon Hospital, France, IAEA expert)
- Tunisian nuclear law in radioisotopes production and utilisation - Azza Hammou (CNRP, Tunisia, IAEA expert)