Previous Meeting - 2014
Thursday 13th November - Morning Session
- Opening remarks and introduction - H. Stamm and N. Gibson (JRC-IHCP, Ispra, IT)
- Upgrades for the Scanditronix MC32 cyclotron in Copenhagen - H. Jensen (Copenhagen University Hospital, DK)
- Recent activities on the cyclotron U-120M and the new cyclotron TR24 at the NPI, Rez - J. Štursa and O. Lebeda (Nucl. Phys. Inst. of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Rez-Prague, CZ)
- Report from Turku PET Centre - S.-J. Heselius and S. Johansson (Turku PET Centre, FI)
- ICNAS, Coimbra - 2014 A.D. - F. Alves (ICNAS - Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health, Univ. Coimbra, PT)
- Medical radioisotopes produced using the alpha-particle beam from the Warsaw Heavy Ion Cyclotron - J. Jastrzȩbski (Heavy Ion Laboratory, Univ. Warsaw, PL)
- Radiopharmaceuticals production and Research Center at Heavy Ion Laboratory UW - J. Choiński (Heavy Ion Laboratory, Univ. Warsaw, PL)
- Status of the radio-isotopes production in Tunisia - L. Ounalli (Tunisian National Centre for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia)
- Arronax C70, 4 years of operation - F. Poirier (GIP ARRONAX, Nantes, FR)
Thursday 13th November - Afternoon Session
- Liquid scintillator microcapillaries, studies for beam monitoring applications - S. Veneziano and M. Caccia (CERN, CH and Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, IT)
- Radionuclide research activities at LASA - UNIMI and INFN during 2014 - S. Manenti, M. Bonardi and F. Groppi (INFN and Univ. degli Studi di Milano, LASA, IT)
- Progress in the production of 99mTc and 64Cu - M. Marengo (Univ. Hospital S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, IT)
- Update and new results on the cross section of the 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction - S. Takacs and F. Ditrói (ATOMKI, HU)
- Role of Kr in cell physiology: production of - and experiments with 79Kr - A. Hermanne (Cyclotron Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
- Monte Carlo approach to 45Ti direct production - L. Metello and P. Costa (Porto Polytechnic Institute, PT)
- Developments and activities around IFIN-HH cyclotron - L.S. Craciun, T. Esanu and C. Ionescu (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, RO)
- Activities at CEMHTI-cyclotron in Orleans - F. Duval (CNRS/CEMHTI, FR)
- IBA update on developments - J.-M. Geets (IBA Company, BE)
- Radioactivity in medicine - J. Clark (College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
Friday 14th November - Morning Session
- Multi-disciplinary research and PET radioisotope production at the Bern cyclotron laboratory - S. Braccini and K.P. Nesteruk (Laboratory for high Energy Physics, University of Bern, CH)
- Update on ZAG activities in isotope production and other projects - J. Daul and H. Schweickert (Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, DE)
- Accumulation and Purification of Iodine-123 Radiolabel by Laser-generated Chemisorbant Nanomaterials - S. Jendrzej (Center of Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen, CENIDE)
- Biocompatible 223Ra labelled NPs for bone therapy - J. Kozempel and M. Vlk (Czech Technical University, Prague, CZ)
- Nanozeolite-PEG-substance P bioconjugate for targeted alpha therapy - A. Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, PL)
- Radionuclide Labelled Nanoparticles at Ege University and Investigation of promising 99mTc labeled new agents for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: Recent update - A. Yurt Kilçar, F. Z. Biber Müftüler and P. Ünak (Ege University , Bornova, TR)
- Astatinated gold nanocluster for internal alpha therapy - L. Janiszewska and A. Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, PL)
- Uptake and translocation of nanoparticles in plants - risk assessment of food chain contamination - S. Smrcek and J. Kozempel (Charles Univ. in Prague, CZ)
- The application of radiolabelled nanoparticles in transport studies - S. Schymura, H. Hildebrand and K. Franke (Helmholtz Centre Dresden, DE)