Previous Meeting - 2012
Thursday 29th November - Morning Session
- Welcoming address - H. Stamm (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Workshop overview and aims - N. Gibson (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Applied Research at the Cyclotron Application Department of MTA ATOMKI - F. Tárkányi and F. Ditrói (ATOMKI, HU)
- Cyclotron Activities in Coimbra, Portugal - F. Alves (ICNAS - Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health, Univ. Coimbra, PT)
- The fall and rise of sub 10MeV cyclotrons for PET - J. Clark (College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
- The New Bern Cyclotron Laboratory and its Research Beamline: Commissioning and First Results - S. Braccini (Laboratory for high Energy Physics, University of Bern, CH)
- Site Acceptance Tests for TR19 Cyclotron and short overview of new accelerators in IFIN-HH - L. Craciun, A. Cimpea and C. Ionescu (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, RO)
- Present status of the cyclotron C70 ARRONAX - F. Poirier (GIP ARRONAX, Nantes, FR)
- The Turku MGC-20 cyclotron - The future? - S.-J. Heselius (Turku PET Centre, FI)
Thursday 29th November - Afternoon Session
- Developments and activities at CEMHTI cyclotron - F. Duval (CNRS/CEMHTI, FR)
- Medical Radionuclide Production at the National Science Center - KIPT - Y. Petrusenko (National Science Center - Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine)
- Recent Developments at ZAG on Gas Target Technology - H. Schweickert and J. Daul (Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, DE)
- Theoretical and Experimental Results on Direct Cyclotron Production of 99mTc - M. Marengo (Univ. Hospital S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, IT)
- Current Status of the Latvia Cyclotron Project - J. Berzins (Univ. Latvia, LV)
- Sc-43 and Sc-44 for PET imaging - S. Krajewski and A. Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, PL)
- Radionuclide research activities at LASA-UNIMI and INFN Milano - F. Groppi, S. Manenti and M. Bonardi (INFN and Univ. degli Studi di Milano, LASA, IT)
- Targetry, cross sections and chemistry for production of 68Ge through 69Ga(p,2n)68Ge reaction using Ga/Ni alloy targets - A. Hermanne (Cyclotron Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
Friday 30th November - Morning Session
- Cyclotrons and their Applications in Korea - Jong-Seo Chai (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea)
- The first cyclotron facility in Tunisia for nuclear medicine and research applications - L. Ounalli (Tunisian National Centre for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia)
- Status of the production of radiolabelled nanoparticles at ZAG - J. Daul and H. Schweickert (Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, DE)
- A novel approach for cancer diagnosis: Radionuclide labelled and targeted quantum dots and copolymers for dual imaging - P. Ünak and S. Timur (Ege University, Bornova, TR)
- Radiochemistry goes nano - J. Kozempel (Charles Univ. in Prague, CZ)
- Synthesis of 105Ag labelled Ag nanoparticles and 56Co-labelled SiO2 nanoparticles - C. İçhedef et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Update on recoil labelling of nanoparticles with 7Be - U. Holzwarth et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Environmental Risk of Nanoparticles - Plant Uptake - S. Smrcek and J. Kozempel (Charles Univ. in Prague, CZ)
- Nanoparticles as a platform for in vivo generators - A. Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Warsaw) PL)
- Radiolabeling of engineered nanoparticles - different strategies for Ag0-NP, TiO2-NP and MWCNT - K. Franke, S. Schymura and H. Hildebrand (Helmholtz Centre Dresden, DE)