Previous Meeting - 2011
Monday 28th November - Morning Session
- Welcoming address - H. Stamm (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Workshop overview and aims - N. Gibson (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- BIONT 2005-2010 overview: Premises and activities in PET radiopharmaceuticals - F. Macásek (BIONT, Bratislava, SK)
- The Edinburgh Clinical Research Imaging Centre: facilities and functions - J. Clark (College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
- Overview of Eczacibaşi-Monrol Activities - A. Soylu and H. Kucukmidil (Eczacibaşi-Monrol, TR)
- Progress on the construction of the new Bern cyclotron laboratory - S. Braccini (Laboratory for high Energy Physics, University of Bern, CH)
- The Radiopharmaceutical Research Centre in IFIN-HH Bucharest - status report and research plan - L. Craciun (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, RO)
- Application of Cyclotron for the Production of Therapeutic Radioisotopes - F. Tárkányi and F. Ditrói (ATOMKI, HU)
- Radionuclide research activities at LASA - UNIMI and INFN, with the JRC-Ispra Cyclotron [1] - M. Bonardi, F. Groppi and S. Manenti (INFN and Univ. degli Studi di Milano, LASA, IT)
Monday 28th November - Afternoon Session
- The cyclotron project in Latvia - J. Berzins (Univ. Latvia, LV)
- Addressing the 99mTc Shortage: Cyclotron Methods versus Nuclear Reactor Methods - L. Metello (Porto Polytechnic Institute, PT) and F. Alves (ICNAS - Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health, Univ. Coimbra, PT)
- Production of Zn-65 and its use as a marker in the purification of Ga-68 eluates - M. Marengo (Univ. Hospital S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, IT)
- First strontium-82 production by Arronax - J. Barbet (GIP ARRONAX, Nantes, FR)
- Growing interest for Rb-82 PET in nuclear cardiology - J.-F. Chatal (GIP ARRONAX, Nantes, FR)
- Compact Cyclotron CV-28 at the National Science Centre - KIPT: Present and Future Status - Y. Petrusenko (National Science Centre - KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine)
- Cyclotron activities at the Turku PET Centre - An Update - S.-J. Heselius (Turku PET Centre, FI)
- Cyclotron production of 44Sc and simple labeling of DOTATATE conjugate - A. Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, PL)
- Radiochemicals and Radiopharmaceuticals at the SARAF - Y. Haruvy (SOREQ, IL)
Tuesday 29th November - Morning Session
- Material science and medical imaging radiotracers around CEMHTI Cyclotron - T. Sauvage and F. Duval (CNRS/CEMHTI, FR)
- Advanced Accelerator Applications: company updates and R&D achievements - L. Maciocco (Advanced Accelerator Applications, FR)
- What's the News at ZAG Cyclotron AG? - H. Schweickert and F. Oberdorfer (Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, DE)
- Preparation of Magnetic Nanoparticles of Guanine, Radiolabeling With 99mTc(CO)3+ Core and Examination of Biological Activity - C. İçhedef and A. Kilçar (Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ege University, TR)
- Thermal conditions in nanoparticulate powders under irradiation - A. Bulgheroni et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Synthesis of 56Co-labelled SiO2 nanoparticles - latest results - I. Cydzik et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Update on recoil labelling of nanoparticles with 7Be - J. Kozempel et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Radiolabelled nanoparticles - cellular uptake studies - F. Simonelli et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Radiolabelling of commercial AgO and TiO2 nanoparticles with 110mAg and 44Ti for life-cycle studies - H. Hildebrand and K. Franke (Helmholtz Centre Dresden, DE)
- Tracing of Industrial Pollutants to Access Environmental Risk - S. Smrcek (Charles Univ. in Prague, CZ)