Previous Meeting - 2010
Thursday 25th November - Morning Session
- Workshop overview - N. Gibson (JRC-IHCP, Ispra, IT)
- Welcoming address - H. Stamm (JRC-IHCP, Ispra, IT)
- Recent advances and developments in IBA cyclotrons - J.-M. Geets, B. Nactergal, M. Abs, C. Fostier, E. Kral (IBA Company, BE)
- Current status of Arronax cyclotron and future perspectives - J.-F. Chatal (GIP ARRONAX, Nantes, FR)
- Cyclotron Activities at the Turku PET Centre - An Update - S.-J. Heselius (Turku PET Centre, FI)
- New developments at NIPNE-Bucharest: Research Center for Radiopharmaceuticals and Extreme Light Infrastructure Project - L.S. Craciun (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, RO)
- Equipments Created for Production of Simple C-11 Labelled Radiopharmaceuticals - P. Mikecz, T. Miklovicz, E. Németh, L. Pohubi, Cs. Ötvös, I. Cseke, L. Galuska, L. Tron (University of Debrecen, MHSC Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Mediroll Ltd., Debrecen, HU)
- What's the News at ZAG Cyclotron AG? - H. Schweickert and J. Daul (Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, DE)
- Cyclotrons and their Applications in Korea - Jong-Seo Chai (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea)
Thursday 25th November - Afternoon Session
- Direct production of Ga-68 from proton bombardment of concentrated aqueous solutions of [Zn-68] Zinc Chloride - J. Clark (College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Univ. Edinburgh, UK) and M. Jensen (The Hevesy Laboratory, Risø-DTU, DK)
- Advanced Accelerator Applications: recent developments and ongoing research activities - M. Mariani and L. Maciocco (Advanced Accelerator Applications, FR)
- The IsoPor SA Project [1] - L. Metello (Porto Polytechnic Institute, PT)
- ICNAS - The new cyclotron centre in Coimbra, Portugal - F. Alves (ICNAS - Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health, Univ. Coimbra, PT)
- Progress on the construction of the Bern Cyclotron Laboratory - S. Braccini (Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, CH)
- New developments in the Cyclotron Laboratory of ATOMKI - F. Ditrói, S. Takács and F. Tárkányi (ATOMKI, HU)
- Calculation tool to help for planning TLA experiments - F. Ditrói, S. Takács and F. Tárkányi (ATOMKI, HU)
- Recent research activities on the cyclotron U-120M - J. Štursa and O. Lebeda (Nucl. Phys. Inst. of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Rez-Prague, CZ)
Friday 26th November - Morning Session
- Encapsulating of alpha and beta emitters in nanozeolites for radionuclide therapy - A. Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, PL)
- Nanoparticles as multimodal imaging agents-development and outlook - D. Máthé (Ardomus Co., HU)
- Update on Radionuclide Labelled Nanoparticles at Ege University - P. Ünak and S. Timur (Ege University, Bornova, TR)
- Status of Radionuclide Research at LASA and new 70 MeV cyclotron project at LNL-INFN [1] - M. Bonardi and F. Groppi (INFN and Univ. degli Studi di Milano, LASA, IT)
- Nanoparticle radiolabelling at the JRC cyclotron - N. Gibson et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Radiochemical synthesis of Co-56 radiolabelled SiO2 nanoparticles - I. Cydzik et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- A tracer-recoil method for radiolabelling of nanoparticles - J. Kozempel et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Preparation and characterization of radiolabelled magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: collaborative research of Middle East Technical University and Eczacibaşi-Monrol - M. Volkan (Middle East Technical University, TR)
- On the way to synthesise cold and radioactive nanoparticles by physical vapour deposition [1] - S. Lucas (University of Namur, FUNDP, BE)
- A new strategy to label metal oxide nanoparticles: Application to PK studies - J. Llop Roig (CIC biomaGUNE, ES)