Previous Meeting - 2009
Tuesday 15th December - Morning Session
- Welcoming address - H. Stamm (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Workshop overview and aims - N. Gibson (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Latest developments at IBA regarding cyclotrons for isotope production and research in Nuclear Medicine - A. Cambriani and J.-M. Geets (IBA Company, BE)
- The Cyclone 70 project for INFN Legnaro - M. Bonardi and F. Groppi (INFN and Univ. degli Studi di Milano, LASA, IT)
- Short update on activities at the Turku PET Centre - S.-J. Heselius (Turku PET Centre, FI)
- The design of an automated and versatile apparatus for the synthesis of PET radiotracers - L.S. Craciun (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, RO)
- Detection of Radioactivity Transport in Synthesis Systems - P. Mikecz and T. Miklovicz (Debrecen PET Centre, HU)
- Production of non-standard PET radionuclides at University Hospital S. Orsola – Malpighi Bologna - G. Cicoria (University Hospital S. Orsola – Malpighi, Bologna, IT)
- University Hospital Essen: Current cyclotron-related activities / Production and clinical use of 124-I - W. Deya (Univ. Hospital Essen, DE)
- Research studies on radiopharmaceutical chemistry at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw - A. Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, PL)
Tuesday 15th December - Afternoon Session
- New developments at ZAG - H. Schweickert and J. Daul (Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, DE)
- SOREQ NRC Radio-Pharmaceuticals R&D - Y. Haruvy (Soreq, IL)
- Isotope production in Copenhagen with a MC32 Scanditronix- and a RDS Eclipse CTI/Siemens cyclotron - H. Jensen (Copenhagen University Hospital, DK)
- Are compact cyclotrons only good for production of C-11, N-13, O-15 and F-18? - Experiences from the Hevesy laboratory - M. Jensen (Hevesy Lab., Risø, DK)
- Cyclotrons in Medicine: A glimpse into the future - J. Clark (College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
- Update on the cyclotron project for radioisotope production and multi-disciplinary research at University Hospital in Bern - S. Braccini (Laboratory for high Energy Physics, University of Bern, CH)
- New developments at ATOMKI, and latest results on production of medical radioisotopes - F. Tarkanyi and F. Ditroi (ATOMKI, HU)
- Direct production of Tc-99m by low energy cyclotrons - L. Metello (Porto Polytechnic Institute, PT) and R. Johnson (Physics Dept., Univ. British Columbia, CA)
- IAEA activities and support for medical cyclotrons and their applications - C. Decristofero (IAEA)
- Health Impact of Engineered Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Response, Bioimaging and Distribution at Cellular and Body Level - S. Moya (CIC biomaGUNE, ES)
Wednesday 16th December - Morning Session
- Current situation of two collaborative research projects around Arronax: Alpha-RIT and Theranean - J.-F. Chatal and J. Martino (GIP ARRONAX, FR) and L. Maciocco (AAA, FR)
- Applications of radioactive nanoparticles in therapy - C. Billotey (Univ. Lyons, FR)
- Synthesis of radioactive nanoparticles by PVD and their potential application in radioimmunotherapy - V. Bouchat and N. Moreau (FUNDP, FR)
- Cyclotron activation of industrial nanoparticles using ion beams or neutrons - N. Gibson et al (JRC-IHCP Ispra, IT)
- Research activities at Ege University for Radionuclide Labelled Nanoparticles - P. Ünak (Ege University, Bornova, TR)
- Latest developments at Eczacibaşi-Monrol, and collaborative research on the preparation of radiolabelled magnetic nanoparticles - H. Bagci and M. Volkan (Eczacibaşi-Monrol and Middle East Technical University, TR)
- Update on cyclotron operations and research with radiolabelled particles at the University of Birmingham - J. Gargiuli (Birmingham Univ., UK)
- SOREQ NRC Radio-Medical Nano-Particles R&D - Y. Haruvy (Soreq, IL)
- In vivo imaging of radiolabelled liposomes for stroke detection - K. Szigeti (Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University, HU)