Previous Meeting - 2006
Wednesday 22nd November - Afternoon Session
- Towards the Seventh Framework Program 2007-2013 - N. Gibson and H. Stamm (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Brief summary of the current cyclotron-related works and applications - F. Tarkanyi (ATOMKI, Debrecen, H)
- The Project of Cyclotron Centre of the Slovak Republic - P. Kováč and F. Macášek (BIONT, Bratislava, SK)
- Cyclotron-related activities of the TERA Foundation - S. Braccini (TERA Foundation, CERN, Geneva, CH)
- The Silicon Detectors group at the Physics Department of Insubria University in Como - C. Cappellini and L. Paolucci (University of Insubria-Como, IT)
- Research activities at Ege University - P. Unak (Ege University, Bornova, TR)
- Ongoing Commercial and Research Activities - L. Maciocco (AAA, St. Genis Pouilly, FR)
- AIC-144 cyclotron at IFJ PAN, Kraków, activities in 2006 - K. Guguła (IFJ PAN, Kraków, PL)
- Heavy Ion Laboratory of the Warsaw University and Warsaw PET Centre - J. Choiński and J. Jastrzębski (Warsaw University, Warsaw, PL)
- MC40 variable energy light ion cyclotron - TBD
- Applications of light ions beams in CNRS\CERI - T. Sauvage (CNRS\CERI, Orléans, FR)
- The Birmingham MC40 cyclotron: Positron emission particle tracking for industrial research - D. Parker (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK)
- New projects for R&D at IPNE “Horia Hulubei” - P. M. Racolta and L.S. Cracium (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RO)
- Accelerator based activities of IAEA in ‘Nuclear Science’ and ‘Radioisotopes Production & Radiation Technology’ - N. Ramamoorthy (IAEA, Vienna, A)
- Isochronous cyclotron U-120M and related activities - J. Štursa and O. Lebeda (Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rez-Prague, CZ)
- INFN research on medical radioisotope production with light ion accelerators - M. L. Bonardi, F. Groppi and E. Menapace (INFN, Milan, I)
- TBD - (ZAG Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, D)
Thursday 23rd November - Morning Session
- Research developing in the future - F. Tarkanyi (ATOMKI, Debrecen, H)
- Evolution of the Cyclotron-related activities of the TERA Foundation - S. Braccini (TERA Foundation, CERN, Geneva, CH)
- TBD - C. Cappellini and L. Paolucci (University of Insubria-Como, IT)
- Research developing in the future - P. Unak (Ege University, Bornova, TR)
- The Website - TBD (Joint Research Centre)
- Warsaw PET Project - J. Choiński and J. Jastrzębski (Warsaw University, Warsaw, PL)
- Cyclotron activities FP7 - Joint Research Institute
- Research projects around CERI cyclotron - T. Sauvage (CNRS\CERI, Orléans, FR)
- Road map - Institute of Nuclear Physics - B. Petelenz and J. Swakoń (IFJ PAN, Kraków, PL)
- Accelerator based activities of IAEA: Proposals for 2008-09 Programme Planning - N. Ramamoorthy (IAEA, Vienna, A)
- Isochronous cyclotron U-120M and related activities - Future plans - J. Štursa and O. Lebeda (Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rez-Prague, CZ)
- INFN research on medical radioisotope production with light ion accelerators - M. L. Bonardi, F. Groppi and E. Menapace (INFN, Milan, I)