Previous Meeting - 2005
Wednesday 26th October - Afternoon Session
- Welcoming Address and Overview of the Joint Research Center (JRC) and the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP)- D. Kotzjas (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- The “Cyclotron” and “Nanobiotechnology” projects of JRC-IHCP - H. Stamm (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Workshop overview and aims - N. Gibson (JRC-IHCP, Ispra)
- Applications of medium energy light ions in the fields of material characterization, radiation effects and radioisotope production - G. Blondiaux (CNRS/CERI, Orleans, F)
- Heavy Ion Laboratory of the Warsaw University, and Warsaw PET Centre - J. Choiński (University of Warsaw, PL)
- Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT) for industrial research - D. Parker (University of Birmingham, UK)
- Information on plans to purchase a small cyclotron in Croatia - Z. Basrak (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, HR)
- The PTB Ion Accelerators, Reference Radiation Fields and Microbeam Facility - U. Giesen (PTB Braunschweig, D)
Thursday 27th October - Morning Session
- Actual and future commercial activities at the Karlsruhe Compact Cyclotron - H. Schweickert (Zyklotron AG, Karlsruhe, D)
- The AIC-144 cyclotron in Krakow - development and use (1) - K. Gugula (Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PL)
- The AIC-144 cyclotron in Krakow - development and use (2) - B. Petelenz and J. Swakon (Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PL)
- Utilization of a 30 MeV Philips cyclotron for Nuclear Medicine research - P. Mikecz and U. Kirchner (UKE, Hamburg, D)
- The Turkish cyclotron infrastructure and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Research at Ege University - P. Ünak (Ege University, Bornova, TR)
- Development and optimsation of the routine production of PET tracers for a production site - D. Becker (ARGOS Zyklotron, Klagenfurt, A)
- Overview of research possibilities at the BIONT cyclotron facility - P. Kováč and F. Macášek (BIONT, Bratislava, SK)
- Radionulide development and nuclear chemistry research around low and intermediate energy cyclotrons at the Forschungszentrum Jülich - S.M. Qaim (FZ Jülich, D)
Thursday 27th October - Afternoon Session
- Infrastructure of cyclotron-based research and applications at the Institute of Nuclear Research - F. Tárkányi and F. Ditrói (ATOMKI , Debrecen, H)
- INFN research on medical radioisotope production with light ion accelerators - M. Bonardi and F. Groppi (INFN-LASA, Milan, I)
- The Cyclotron Project in Latvia for medical and scientific needs - A. Auce and J. Berzins (Latvia Multipurpose Cyclotron Facility, Salaspils, LV)
- The 18F-FDG production site at JRC Ispra - A. Pecorale (Amersham Health srl, part of GE Healthcare)
- Experimental and routine production of radionuclides with the VINCY cyclotron - J. Čomor and Nešković (VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, SRB)
- A novel extraction line beam monitor: the SUCIMA and RUMBA projects - L. Badano (TERA Foundation, Novara, I) and M. Caccia (Univ. Insubria, Como/Varese, I)
- Computer simulation of beam acceleration and extraction on the Cyclotron U-120M - J. Štursa (Nucl. Phys. Inst. of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Rez-Prague, CZ)
- Linacs and detectors: contributions of TERA to existing cyclotrons - S. Braccini and U. Amaldi (TERA Foundation, CERN, Geneva, CH)